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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving! (And Black Friday)

I just got back to my apartment after a day of traveling from Wisconsin! I ate lots (which I didn't have to cook- a nice break!)! I really paced myself eating and had tons of pickles and olives (my weaknesses) before the official meal. My aunt Nancy (who was the official Turkey Day chef) is on a low-sodium, low-fat diet due to developing cancer, so she made everything without salt and little to no butter- including the turkey, sweet potatoes, gravy (which I skipped anyways), and mashed potatoes (fat free half and half). Check out these tips for healthy eating for any big meal:
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I admit it- I had two servings of this size, but I  def ate less than everyone else by pacing myself!
My family was amusing as always. My cousin Andrew fell asleep several times throughout the day because he works in Toronto and was struggling with the time change (and missed his Canadian girlfriend, who I refer to as 'Moose'). I didn't actually buy anything on Black Friday, but I went to the Bayshore Mall and the Mayfair Mall, where I helped pick out gifts for Moose.
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Sleep burn off calories!
Also, for dinner, I made myself the organic grass-fed, pasture-raised beef steak from Rocky Mountain Organic Meats. It was quite delicious and the first time I ever prepared a steak. I like mine well done, and because I don't eat meat that often, I made sure to cut it into little pieces and eat it with organic basmati brown rice and veggies (with curry sauce for a kick). I enjoyed my apartment-made naked burrito with a hot cup of licorice tea (Organic Stash). It was super delicious and I was proud of myself for not burning my apartment down (not that I would ever actually do that, of course!).
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I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the holiday weekend!

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