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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

72 Hour Yogurt Reset

I usually like to eat organic nonfat plain yogurt with honey/raw nuts/ cacao nibs/ frozen fruit (a fairly healthy choice), but Pooja still wanted me to do a 72 hour yogurt reset because she really wanted me to taste full fat yogurts from the highest quality sources. Yes, I said eating full fat yogurt can actually be an improvement over eating nonfat or reduced fat yogurt. It sounds like blasphemy, but let me explain: Sheep's milk yogurt and grass-fed-pasture-raised cow yogurt are a more sustainable and higher quality option than everyday grocery store yogurts. According to Pooja, these choices are more pure, flavorful, and less processed because they are closer to their natural origins(overall better options).

"With these yogurts, not very much has been done to manufacture the product from its original milk source (from the cow or from the sheep)," Pooja said. "Whereas with other low-fat and non-fat yogurts, the fat has been removed and additives have been used. The other important thing to note is that whole milk yogurt from pasture raised sources contains Omega 3's, and in a ratio to Omega 6's that is better for our health. So grass fed products (as natural as they come!) are better for us from both a TASTE and HEALTH perspective."

If more people knew this and demanded more of these types of products, they'd be cheaper and more available!

To start my 72 Hour reset, I went to Eataly to buy "Simply Greek" sheep's milk yogurt (plain)  as well as plain yogurt from "Maple Hill Creamery." I had actually never been to Eataly, so it was really cool to be inside. Because I will be studying abroad in Italy soon, I was excited by all of the foods that I didn't realize were in NYC and that I would also be able to get in the bear future. I actually wanted to share a picture of some of the pretty chocolates that are available at Eataly:

For my first part of the yogurt reset, I tried the "Simply Greek" sheep's milk yogurt (plain). I have never tried any sheep derived products before, so I felt particularly adventurous. I could definitely taste the difference in fat, which was quite creamy. I was surprised by how acidic the yogurt was, and immediately decided to add honey, cacao nibs, granola, raw nuts, and raisins (instant imporvement). Truthfully, I wasn't in love with this yogurt, but it was definitely worth trying and I really like the idea of being more sustainable. Hopefully, I will like the Maple Hill Creamery yogurt a bit more!

Also, I will finally get to pick up the Alter Eco chocolate from Jane today: 
So excited to try this!
Also, I totally forgot to share my food adventures from this weekend. Basically, my parents visited me, which was really fun. We ate at Caracas Arepa Bar in the East Village, stopped by the Union Square Greenmarket, and visited the High Line (where we ate more goodies!). Here are some pics of our yummy arepas (corn based, not flour based and freshly made!): 

Avacado and chicken

Cheese, black beans, smoky beef, and plantains

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