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Friday, July 8, 2011

Fit Me, Baby!

As of yesterday, I have officially started my 6-week fitness program with Pooja to get sexier arms. Yeah! I am so excited.

Today is also the first day where I noticed I looked a little skinnier, probably from not eating sugar. My friends still tell me I am crazy, but I don't find it too hard. The only foods I really miss are really fattening (like ice cream...Oh, my dearest ice cream...), so it is good I am not eating them at all. Right now, getting back in shape is more important to me than the temporary pleasure of sugary sugar (sugar with sugar). No more sugar!

I am skating lightly for fun whenever I have free time at the rink, in addition to Pooja's workout for me. I am basically doing her shuttle runs, side shuffle things, and  two foot hops, in addition to these weird lengthening arm exercises that I don't know the name of, but am obsessed with (I will post pics of the arm stuff soon).
Run, Sarah! Run! (Shuttle Runs)
Pooja's Shuttle Shuffles :)
BOING! (Two fooot hops)
I know I have really just begun doing Pooja's fitness plan, but I am excited because I know I am on the road to a healthier me! I actually exercise regularly, but I think I have reached a plateau in my progress from doing the same thing. I really love working out with Pooja because she adds so much variety and fun to my old, boring workouts!

Here is the link to some of her other exercises:

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