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Monday, December 12, 2011

Rishi Tea and Pomegranate Basil Apple Cleanser for Me!

I dropped the ball and forget to tell you all about my recent gift from Rishi Tea (@rishitea)given the hecticness of exam-time! I got green, mint, red, and black tea from them as part of Pooja's team. Check it out: 

Red tea!!!
The red and black teas are really good, but I am obsessed with the mint. Usually, I am not a big mint tea fan because it tends to be overbearingly minty- like a bad candy or mint oil. I just wasn't a big must-drink mint- that was until I drank Rishi's mint tea. Legitimately, they have the best mint tea out there. It is minty, but in a peaceful way that is complemented by its natural sweetness, which is why I like Yogi Egyptian licorice tea so much- it is naturally sweet (but not in a sugary way). I am obsessed (and I also started devoting more time to boiling the water for my tea and not microwaving it- I know, it is lazy to do that- and my tea tastes so much better!). Really, doing things slower pays off!

Also, I am really lusting after making Pooja's newest creation- a Pomegranate Basil Apple Cleanser:
Pomegranate Basil Apple Cleanser. Photo courtesy of
I am super excited to make this recipe, but because I am moving out of my apartment in a week, I think I am going to hold off buying and making this. It will be made in the next week or so.

Also, since my birthday is tomorrow, this weekend was filled with going out to dinner with friends- which is awesome since I live in the delicious food mecca (aka NYC). I recommend all of these places, which I had eaten at before: Piola, Vapiano, and Friend House. So good! Now, back to studying ;)

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