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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 3 of my 3-Day Chocolate Reset!

So I bought a big thing of 100% cacao baking chocolate (which has to be a lie) instead of regular dark chocolate because I am ridiculous and the cheese man (who cut down my chocolate chunk to be smaller) and sample lady (who pointed us into several chocolate-y directions in-store) confused me when I went to Whole Foods. 

 100% cacao 

Anyways, Day 3 was CHOCOLATE! At first I tried grating the chocolate and then I decided to break it into smaller pieces and melt it. I had to add honey because it was too rich (and obviously not sweet) and I dipped dried figs into the melted chocolate (via my microwave). As I didn't eat that much of the chocolate because it was so much, I know I am going to have the chocolate for a while... 
I also decided to make tea (which I usually drink daily), but I was out of a bud that bloomed and I wanted to share the pick because it was so pretty! I am also going to be starting a H20 reset tomorrow- wish me luck!

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